Share video & Earnings

Your videos are stored the safest fastest and earn real money.


Our features

Cloud HLS

EarnVids uses HLS technology for fast video streaming and distributes files across multiple cloud servers for redundancy and security, ensuring a seamless and safe experience for your content.

Max Speed

EarnVids uses high-performance servers for scalable and flexible file hosting, with no speed caps on data transfer rates, making it easy to adapt to your business needs.

Premium Encoder

EarnVids video encoding technology ensures fast and efficient video distribution, allowing you to easily share your content with clients, colleagues, or your audience.


EarnVids prioritizes security by providing 24/7 encryption and safeguarding of your valuable files, so you can focus on growing your business with peace of mind.


You will get unlimited free traffic and storage when you prioritize using EarnVids Player

Full Report

EarnVids detailed report system lets you easily track your file downloads and views, giving you the insights needed to make informed decisions.

Earn money

Earn a fixed amount per 10,000 downloads or streams.
The payment amount is defined by the origin country referred to in the Level table / Worldmap below.
